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The Power of Colors

As Ritu waits for her name to be called for an interview she steals a glance of herself in the reception mirror. Dressed confidently in her red sleath dress she imagines celebrating her new corporate job. She thinks “This job befits my experience and personality so what could possibly go wrong”. But her excitement fades away when she gets judged as very aggressive and unsuitable within 0.1 seconds of her interaction.
Later in the evening she tries to put her disappointment aside while getting ready for her friend’s wedding dinner. Sad and depressed on failing to get her dream job Ritu picks her unlike grey Salwar Kameez as her evening outfit. She stands in front of the mirror baffled “Why did I select this outfit for such a joyous event”?
At some point in our lives we all have gone through the same confusion. So what really happed with Ritu? She simply didn’t realize that our clothing colors impact on how we feel, how we think, how we behave and how people behave with us. The effect might be subtle but it is very real where color sways ones perception, judgement and behaviour. What color you wear says a lot about who you are by reflecting your uniqueness, complexity and personality.
Since color is such a powerful and important communication tool it’s the need of the hour that we learn to mix and match our colors to send the message that’s right for us. So here I am sharing some facts about colors. Do take them into consideration when you choose your next outfit for your next event.
Black – It’s the color of power and authority. Strong willed, authoritative, disciplined and responsible are the messages communicated with this color. Its unique slimming quality makes it one of the favourite in the fashion industry. The “Little Black Dress” is a perfect example of sophistication and elegance associated with this color.
White – It symbolizes purity and innocence. Balanced, calm, organized and leadership are the traits denoted with this color. It is also popular in fashion as its neutral and can go with everything. A few splashes of accent colors are needed to make this color look less cold, bland and sterile.
Red – It’s the most emotionally intense color. Powerful, bold, strong and attention grabbing are the traits associated with this color. Though it is associated with love, warmth and comfort however when used in extremes can also denote danger and anger.
Blue – It’s the color of sky and ocean. Trustworthy and loyal, friendly yet powerful and a team player are the messages communicated with this color. It calls to mind feelings of calmness or serenity. It’s a universally liked color whose level of authority and calmness vary with its intensity, shade and tone.
Green – It symbolizes nature, representing life, growth, and renewal. It also represents tranquillity, good luck, health and jealousy. Peaceful and soothing are the traits of this color. Since it denotes the spring season and new growth you can choose to wear this color whenever you are embarking on something new.
Yellow – It’s a bright color that is often described as cheery and warm. Active and lively, happy and mood boosting are the effects of this color. It is the most difficult color for the eye to take in, so it can be overpowering if overused. While this color is known to make people feel happy and energetic, it is also known to make people angry and frustrated quickly.
Orange – It is a very energetic color and calls to mind feelings of excitement, enthusiasm and warmth. Optimistic, motivating, energizing and spontaneous are the traits communicated with this color. It’s easier on the eyes than yellow, yet it is not as bold as red.
Violet – A favorite of royalty, the color purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. It also represents wisdom and spirituality. Creative, confident and thought provoking are few traits of this color. Since purple does not often occur in nature, it can sometimes appear exotic or artificial.
See color psychology is a simple but a very effective tool to create or enhance your image. But do remember that color itself is a complex subject and one need to understand them in relation to different culture, religion, age preference and even politics to convey the right message.
Go ahead choose the Right Color to create the Right Image in the Right Situation!

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